Privacy Policy

The operator of this website (homepage with an attached webshop), T.O.P. The Original Perfumes GmbH from A-3422 Hadersfeld near Vienna, takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. Therefore, we inform you below about relevant data processing processes on our website. We process personal data as much as possible based on applicable legal provisions, especially those of the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR).

Notice on Cookies

We point out that our website uses so-called cookies. These are small text files that are temporarily stored on your device. This technology is generally used to maintain certain website functionalities as stably and permanently as possible and to optimize your user experience and the user-friendliness of our web offer. We also need to store some cookies to be able to use our CMS (Content Management System) without restrictions.

For example, in the case of a registration on our website, a cookie is temporarily set to determine if your browser generally allows cookies. This cookie does not contain any personal data and is deleted after a session. Previously stored cookies are also read during a new login, for example, to retrieve and provide personal settings of the customer account. Cookies also help us provide the functions of our webshop (such as the shopping cart function).

We inform you that you can also completely disable cookies in your browser settings. However, it may then be expected that certain web offers can no longer be used to their full extent.

Stored Log Files on the Web Server

Our hosting provider may automatically collect so-called session data. These are stored in log files on a web server and serve to make basic evaluations and improve the web offer from a technical perspective.

The following data is typically stored in log files:

  • Your IP address
  • Your browser and operating system version as well as the type of your device
  • Date and time of your website visit
  • Duration of your website visit
  • Referral URL (website from which you accessed our offer)

We do not further process these data and do not combine them with any other data sources at any time.

Webshop: Ordering Process and Customer Account

To place orders with us, we recommend creating a customer account in which personal data relevant for ordering, shipping, and customer service are collected and processed by us. All these data serve exclusively to optimally process customer orders and are not disclosed to unauthorized third parties without your express consent.

We primarily store the following personal data in this context:

  • Your first and last name as well as (optionally) a display name/fantasy name differing from it
  • Your IP address
  • Your email address (we usually send receipts and order confirmations to this address)
  • Your shipping and billing addresses
  • Your preferred payment methods and shipping methods
  • Order history, payment behavior (we do not conduct external credit checks), and status of your previous orders
  • Status of your currently incomplete orders

In the event of an order, the following groups of people can receive notifications related to it:

  • Staff of T.O.P. GmbH
  • Admins of this website
  • Postal or delivery service
  • Hosting provider
  • Providers of external online payment services, see also the next chapter of this privacy policy.

We strive to ensure the highest possible discretion with every order and to protect your personal data in the best possible way.

Webshop: Payment Services

When you purchase products in our webshop, you can choose from various payment options, where payment data may be transferred (in encrypted form) to providers of payment modules for technical processing reasons.

Currently, we offer the following payment methods in the Frescoryl webshop:

  • Direct bank transfer (prepayment on invoice)
  • PayPal (we redirect you to PayPal to enter your payment information there – more on PayPal’s privacy policy here:
  • Credit card payment via Stripe (Stripe is a reliable payment provider for online credit card payments, during checkout we integrate fields with which data is sent to Stripe for verification. More on Stripe’s privacy policy here:
  • Cash on delivery (subject to the cash on delivery fee of the postal or delivery service)

Embedded Content from Other Websites

Pages on this website may include embedded content (e.g., videos, images, posts, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves exactly as if the visitor had visited the other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking services, and record your interaction with this embedded content, including your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in on that website.

Web Analysis Tool

To continuously improve our website and measure the reach of our offer, we use the tool – an open-source web analysis tool from the company Plausible Insights OÜ based in Estonia, Europe. Their servers are operated in Germany by the company Hetzner. Plausible does not set any cookies (“cookie-less”). All personal data is fully anonymized and therefore does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about specific individuals. The processed data includes: the URL of the accessed page, HTTP referrer, browser, operating system, user’s device, and the country in which the user is located. More information about Plausible can be found at

Static Facebook Plugin (Like Box alias Page Plugin)

On our website, we use a static and thus privacy-compliant ‘Facebook Page Box’, originally an integration by Facebook Inc., One Hacker Way, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA. We no longer integrate this plugin with external scripts (e.g., as an iframe), but have only adopted the design of our Facebook page in basic features and link to our Facebook page for the product “Frescoryl” with a button. A potential data connection with Facebook itself only occurs when you click on this button, which we also directly point out in the Facebook box in the footer of our website.

A general overview of Facebook plugins can otherwise be found directly from the mentioned provider:

Storage Duration & Processing of User Account Data

We generally store personal data only as long as we need it for our business purposes (customer service, marketing, accounting, etc.) and delete it immediately afterward. Exceptions are all data and records subject to a legal retention period. We always comply with these legal deadlines and only delete the data afterward.

Users who register on our website (for example, in the context of purchasing a product in the webshop) can view and, if necessary, update, edit, or delete the information in their user profile. Administrators of this website as well as team members of T.O.P. The Original Perfumes GmbH can also view and modify this information.

Comment Function and Contact Forms

When you leave a comment on our website (for example, a customer review in our webshop), it will be stored indefinitely, including metadata. This way, we can automatically recognize and approve follow-up comments, with all our user comments generally being subject to moderation. Visitor comments may be checked by an automated spam detection service; we use the ‘Akismet Anti Spam’ plugin and point out that basic data, such as your IP address, may be transmitted to the provider of this plugin.

If you use any contact forms on this website, the information will be forwarded via email to our customer service team and website administrators. The use of contact forms on our website is entirely voluntary, and the transmitted data will not be disclosed to third parties in any way.

SSL Encryption

Our website has a valid SSL certificate and has SSL/TLS encryption enabled. This simply means that data you enter on our website cannot be read by third parties and is therefore significantly better protected. When transmitting sensitive data on a website (especially when providing payment data in web shops), you should always ensure that there is an encrypted connection with a valid SSL certificate.

You can recognize an active encryption by calling up our website with a prefixed ‘https://’ in the address bar of your browser. Modern browsers also show a green padlock symbol next to the URL, possibly with the label ‘Secure’ as an additional note.

Your Right to Information, Correction, Deletion

We point out that you have the right to request information about the personal data we have stored about you. We will respond to such a request as soon as possible and provide you with an export of the data stored in connection with your person.

You also have the right to have stored data corrected or changed. You can also request the deletion of your personal data from us, provided your request complies with applicable law (for example, security-relevant or administrative data are exempt). We will also comply with this request as soon as possible.

You also have the right to file a complaint against data protection violations. The responsible authority is the ‘Data Protection Authority of the Republic of Austria’, which is accessible on the World Wide Web at the following address:

Validity of this Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to the website, operated by T.O.P. The Original Perfumes GmbH, and is effective immediately (as of June 2024) until revoked. If we implement or adapt fundamental functions with data protection relevance on our website, we will always adapt this privacy policy to these processes. If you have any questions about our data protection measures, you can always contact us. You can find our contact details and the persons responsible in the imprint of this website.